Application Terms & Conditions

The first step to admission to THE MASSEY Law is a thoroughly completed application. It is your responsibility to make certain that all items arrive at the Office of Admissions. We will consider your application complete and proceed with an admissions review as soon as we receive all required documents. Unless stated otherwise, any updates to your application must be submitted via e-mail to the Office of Admissions at
1. Application for Admission: You must complete the entire application form and submit it electronically through TME.
2. Application Fee: Your non-refundable application fee of £100 must be submitted by credit card or any mode of transfer and attach the bank deposit stamp slip.
3. Resume: THE MASSEY requires a one-to-two page resume describing your academic, extracurricular and professional activities. The resume must be submitted electronically with your electronic application.
4. Personal Statement: Enclose a statement of about two pages sharing important or unusual information about yourself that is not otherwise apparent in your application. This statement must be submitted electronically with your electronic application.
5. Optional Diversity Essay: Although admission to THE MASSEY is based primarily upon superior academic achievement and potential to contribute to the profession, the Admissions Committee also considers the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class important to the school’s educational mission. If you would like the committee to consider how your background, life and work experiences, advanced studies, extracurricular or community activities, culture, socio-economic status, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or other factors would contribute to the diversity of the entering class (and hence to your classmates’ school/collage educational experience), you may describe these factors and their relevance in a separate diversity essay.
6. Optional Short Essays: From a list of four essay questions, you may provide up to two responses of 100 to 250 words each.
7. Two Letters of Recommendation: THE MASSEY requires that at least two and no more than four letters of recommendation be attach. Letters sent directly to the Office of Admissions will not be accepted. Please be aware of the high value THE MASSEY places on school-specific letters of recommendation. Recommenders should be instructors who have personal knowledge of your academic work, preferably those who have known you in a seminar, small class, tutorial program or the like. If you have been out of school for a significant period you may substitute one letter from an employer or business associate. Sometimes these applicants find it difficult to obtain even one academic recommendation; in that case, you may submit two nonacademic letters. Please advise recommenders that should you choose to apply for a joint degree and/or other programs at THE MASSEY or referral partnering University, the letters of recommendation must be attach to that program for review.
8. Right of Access to Recommendations: Federal law provides a student, after enrollment, with a right of access to, among other things, letters of recommendation in the student’s file (if maintained) that are submitted to the law school on the student’s behalf. This right may be waived, but such a waiver may not be required as a condition for admission to, receipt of financial aid from, or receipt of any other services or benefits from THE MASSEY. Please indicate your choice by checking the appropriate box on the TME Letter of Recommendation form before giving them to your recommenders.
9. Standardized Tests: All applicants are required to take the Admission Test (TME) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test. If you also take the GRE, you may submit all valid GRE scores, but you may also choose to submit only TME scores. The only circumstance where you may apply without providing us with a TME score is if you have only taken the GRE. If you are admitted to the School with a GRE and, after admission, take the TME, the Admissions Committee will consider this new TME score and will re-evaluate our offer of admission.
10. TME: If you choose to apply with the TME, you must take the TME no later than January 2022. This deadline is based on the time needed by the School/College Admission Council (TME) to get your scores to us by our application deadline of February 15, 2022. TME will report scores directly to us. If you do not indicate test on the application then take the test later date, you should notify the Office of Admissions in order for the score to be considered. Scores received on tests taken prior 6months will not be considered valid. Note that all applicants using the TME are required to submit a least one writing sample. This sample can either be taken at the time of the TME examination or at a later date. If you choose to apply with the GRE, you should take the exam no later than 6 months before.
11. Credential Assembly Service Report: Transcripts from each college or university you have attended should be forwarded to TME, which will prepare and transmit to school/collage Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report to THE MASSEY. If you have received academic credit for coursework taken abroad while enrolled as a full-time student, and if grades for that period of study are not clearly indicated on your home transcript, you must send that foreign study transcript directly to TME or to THE MASSEY Law School. Please note that should you choose to apply for a joint degree and/or other programs at THE MASSEY, the CAS report may be forwarded to that program for review.
When the documents described above have all been received, your application is considered complete. However, until the application has been finally acted upon (and until the first day of attendance, if you are accepted and enroll), you are obligated to advise the school of any changes in the information previously furnished. In particular, you should promptly report to the school any additional grades received and any other facts that would have required a different answer to the questions asked in the application. Such changes may be reported informally by e-mail to the Office of Admissions; if official verification is required, you will be so advised.
12. Reapplication Procedure:
If you wish to reapply for admission you must submit the following:
1. New application
2. Application fee
3. Updated resume
4. Updated personal statement
5. New letter of recommendation to TME utilizing the Letter of Recommendation and Evaluation Service
6. Updated transcripts showing conferral of degree
7. New TME scores through TME if available
Please note that recommendations already on file need not be duplicate.

13. Application Status Check: To keep you apprised of your application status, we provide an online status page. To view the status of your application, please click on the link below to access our password-protected online status page. Please note that bookmarking may make it difficult to access the page CHECK YOUR STATUS ONLINE
14. Interviews: The Admissions Committee does not grant interviews as part of the admissions process. However, we encourage you to visit the school and arrange to meet with a member of the admissions staff.
15. Notification of Acceptance:
THE MASSEY Law uses a rolling admissions process, acting upon applications throughout the admissions season as they are completed. However, some applications are held until the committee has reviewed the entire applicant pool. This second review generally occurs in September after April at which time the class will be filled. (A small number of applications will be held for possible use in filling vacancies that may occur during the summer.)
16. The Office of Admissions will make every effort to send applicants a first response (accept, deny or wait list) by April 30. To secure a place in the entering class, applicants accepted for admission must pay a deposit. If you are offered admission, THE MASSEY reserves the right to withdraw that offer of admission (even after enrolled attendance) if: 1) you show a significant drop in academic performance or fail to graduate from your current program; 2) there has been a misrepresentation in or a violation of any of the terms of the THE MASSEY application process; 3) we learn that you have engaged in behavior prior to the first day of enrolled TME attendance that indicates a serious lack of judgment or integrity; or 4) you reserve a place in our entering class and make an enrollment commitment or place a deposit at another school. THE MASSEY further reserves the right to require you to provide additional information and/or authorization for the release of information about any such matter.
16. Acceptance Deferral Policy: THE MASSEY grants a limited number of requests for one-year deferrals. Any admitted applicant granted and accepting deferred admission is required (1) to submit a nonrefundable deposit that will be applied to tuition when he or she registers; and (2) to sign a statement that deferred status is not also held at another school, that all prior applications to other schools have been withdrawn, and that new applications will not be made to other schools. Persons admitted from the waiting list are ineligible for deferment. Within the 14th day student entitle for the refund 75% of the tuition fees or after a month 50% till 60 days and after 60 days of the admission S/he is not entitle for any refund.
17. Additional Matters:
(a) International Student Visas: In order to register as students, THE MASSEY requires all the out country citizens or UK. Registered permanent residents to obtain and maintain an appropriate visa status for their stay in the UK as per the United Kingdom Law.
(b) Nondiscrimination Policy: THE MASSEY admits qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, or marital status to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at The Massey. Consistent with its obligations under the law, in the administration of The Massey programs and activities, THE MASSEY prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. THE MASSEY also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence. This policy applies to THE MASSEY programs and activities both on and off-campus, including overseas programs.