Campus Life

"Campus that comforts you"


“The stakes are too high, the payoff too important.”

Arts and Culture

"Let's understand the global culture"


"The only home that sharpens your mind"

Visa Assistance

"The only Embassy which gives you visa for any country."


"Home away from Home with new Family"

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Winter 2022 applications are now open

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself!


About Us

The welcoming, accessible and multicultural environment in the city of London provides the ideal base for your time studying in the UK. Choose The Massey and you will put yourself ahead of the competition when the time comes to begin your career!

The Massey follows the motto Hinc lucem et pocula sacra !! (from this place, we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge)


Pre - Placement Job

The Massey guarantees a job even before the students graduate.

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100% scholarship provided to every student enrolling with The Massey.

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Earn while Learn

A wide range of part-time job opportunities is provided to benefit the students.

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Top - notch Faculty

Opportunity to learn from globally renowned Experts.

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Free Courses
Money is not mandatory to get education. We provide free courses from world's universities.
Advanced Courses
Advanced courses in IPR and Company Incorporation from USA, UK, Canada, Australia and India..
Legal Courses
Get licensed to practice the legal profession in abroad.

Donate Education

The Campaign for the Massey is the largest fundraising campaign. With $1 billion goal, the campaign is expanding global leadership capacity.

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