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Affiliated Campus

Academic Collaborations of The Massey

The Massey collaborates with renowned universities of the world which gives priority to our students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of affiliation?

Nowadays, students aspire to acquire a maximum level of education. The most beneficial part about affiliation is that a student can acquire a dual degree in a particular field. Along with that he/she can also get an opportunity to know other college cultures in a better manner.

How many colleges is The Massey affiliated to?

The Massey extends its affiliation to the topmost colleges belonging to various countries like Canada, the USA, and many more.

Will I also get a degree from the colleges mentioned on this page?

Yes. The student will first opt for a course and then on completion of this course, he/she will receive a graduation certificate i.e. degree from The Massey along with a certification from the top most college where the course belongs to.

Foreign Visitors

Victoria University of Wellington

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

Affiliated Campuses

Humber College, Canada

“Education is two edge of sword”

Complete Your Visit

University of London

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”


University of California

“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”