
The Massey offers a variety of scholarships design to help every student. We have always been open- hearted for the students who are extraordinarily talented in the field of academics, sports, etc. and serious about their career. This scholarship can be in a different slabs during the academic tenure.


Scholarship Programs

Academic Excellency

The candidates who excel in their academic year will be awarded a Dean’s List Scholarship Program. Academic Excellence is always acknowledged at The Massey. 


Whether you are a talented athlete looking for a full-fledged scholarship or you are a member of some internationally recognized sports club looking for opportunities to play at a recreational level, The Massey always acknowledges athletes and their spirit in the sports field.

Differently Abled

The Massey abides by the saying that everyone should be treated equally. This scholarship is especially for those applicants who belong to the differently-abled category. 

To avail the scholarship the students have to submit the necessary and certified documents.
Scholarship Program for The Girl Child

Educating a girl child means educating the whole family and the future generation too. This special program is available for all the female candidates and the reason behind this program is that the Founder says that The Massey is based and run by women empowerment.

Orphan Scholarship Program

Why distinguish whilst the preamble of law in every country speaks about right to education to it’s citizens. The Massey has a exclusive Scholarship Program for those who are homeless or without any family/guardian.


There are certain conditions to be fulfilled by the candidate before applying for a scholarship.

  • The candidate must attach his/her certificate which must be translated into English and approved either by the Government / Judiciary of the country where the applicant belongs to.
  • The candidate must apply under the specific category to avail the scholarships.
  • The candidate while applying will be given an unique Application Number. This number must be used by the candidate for every process of scholarship.

Below Poverty Line (Scholarship)

Acquiring knowledge is every individual’s right and no one should be deprived of it. This program is formulated for the candidates belonging to the lower-income class of the society 

Need Scholarship?

Drop an Email below and let us know your interest
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any other scholarship programs offered?

Apart from the programs mentioned above, the applicant can also avail of scholarships on the basis of any extracurricular activities the student is engaged in. For further details, kindly refer to the contact details.

What are my chances of gaining a scholarship?

There are a number of things you can do to improve your chances of gaining a high scholarship. While applying, you should make sure to include all the documentation requested and dedicate plenty of time to writing your application. Stay updated with the recent updates regarding your scholarship programs especially the application deadlines. The story of your future plan is also has a good weightage to get a high amount of scholarship or more than one scholarship.

For which courses can I avail scholarship?

The Massey Scholarship Program is open for all the courses made available for the students.

How can I know that I am eligible for the scholarship?

If the applicant falls under any of the categories mentioned on the website and submitting s/he necessary certifications can avail of the scholarship. Once the documents are submitted by the applicant, they will be evaluated by the department for further process.